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21句精致女人正能量的句子 他周末就不会再来缠你了

06-15 08:01      黑白语录  

♥Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day.三月开头的励志的话 Teach a man to fish, and you get rid of him on the weekends.给他一条鱼,你可以喂他一天;教他钓鱼,他周末就不会再来缠你了。

♥but a tough start to his will. - franklin惟坚韧者始能遂其志。——富兰克林关于梦想的精美开头


♥Cruel is the beginning of growth狠心是成长的开始

♥Do one thing at a time, and do well.一次只做一件事,做到最好!

♥Do you know love you?你可知道我爱你么?

21句精致女人正能量的句子 他周末就不会再来缠你了

♥do you want to be a happy person? I hope you learn first to eat up bitter. - turgenev你想成为幸福的人吗?但愿你首先学会吃得起苦。 --屠格涅夫

♥Eat a peck of salt with a man before you trust him 在你信任一个人之前,先要深入了解他。

♥Even if the road is not flat also should make oneself of the sun【就算路不坦荡也要做自己的太阳】

♥Everyone should take action with dream and be strong with reason.一个人至少拥有一个梦想,有一个理由去坚强。

♥A man can't ride your back unless it is bent.你的腰不弯,别人就不能骑在你的背上。
